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All About Him

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AndrewTwarog is a 23 year old college student currently living in scenic Boston, Massachusetts. When not hitting the books, he loves to golf, run, and competitively bowl. His girlfriend claims that he loves his clubs more than her (which is true).

"AndrewTwarog’s Power Hour"

AndrewTwarog's Avatar

Andrew hosts "AndrewTwarog’s Power Hour" on GKOL. Expect him to play alternative and classic rock. Occasionally he will host segments of "I've seen them live" and "I don't listen to them enough." Basically you can expect something old, something new, something borrowed, but nothing blue.

Requests and Donations

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For requests, please PM the song title to AndrewTwarog. If he doesn’t have it, e-mail it in mp3 format to Andrew asks that you send all donations to Shigeo Shingo (#1611365).