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All About Him

BMW's Avatar

BMW is a DJ on GKOL. He is a seventeen year old who loves to goof off in school plays. He would have to call himself weird because he likes doing things out of the ordinary. BMW tries to make friends with everyone he meets, whether it be online or in real life. He enjoys the outdoors (even though he's on KoL for at least 5 hours out of a day) and he loves to practice with weapons, just for sport. BMW's not one for killing big animals, although he'll kill a frog or grasshopper every now and again, but that's it. He's 5' 11", skinny as a toothpick, and blind as a bat. One thing BMW is known for around his school is being the nicest guy you'd ever meet. "Come to the dark side... we have cookies!"

"The Abyss"

BMW's Avatar

BMW hosts "The Abyss" on GKOL. You'll never know what will be playing on "The Abyss"... It could be Nickelback, it could be *Nsync (oh please no!), maybe even some Elvis Presley. Almost any requests are welcome, but beware, BMW may not have it and would need you to send him the MP3 for it. BMW does NOT listen to Rap or Country (with the exception of a few songs) and thus will not play it.

Requests and Donations

Please send all requests to BMW (#903411) in Kmail format. If he has it, he will gladly play it, but if he doesn't, he may request that you send the MP3 to his DJ email at

Please send donations to BMW (#903411) with DONATION in it, otherwise it will be considered a gift. Donations are wonderful, and will help when BMW opens up with an AR. If BMW is in HC, you can send them to Sgt_Lampshade (#954281), his friend's account that isn't used anymore.