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All About Him
sleepingchARmAndeR (you can just call him chAR or CharChar) is 16 years old. He spends his free time playing Kingdom of Loathing (who would have guessed?), playing Magic: The Gathering, playing D&D, and pretty much listening to GKOL and The Beatles. He enjoys long walks on the beach, watching sunsets, killing orcs with his dwarven war axe, tapping his black mana to summon Vampires, perving in /perv, and all that good stuff!
"Travels of Kanto"
Travels of Kanto will play pretty much any music. The music that will mostly be played is Classic Rock and The Beatles. As Char gets more music, he'll include Country, Current Rock, (some) Rap, (some) Metal, Hip-Hop, Jazz, Classical, and almost everything else. NO Screamo will ever be played. Ever. Sorry. This pokemon enjoys having his ears not bleed. If he doesn't have your request the day you request it, he'll try to get it for his next show.
Requests and Donations
Send requests to sleepingchARmAndeR. PM or K-mail is acceptable. IF you need to use email, is the way to go, but, no results guarenteed with that. The only reason Char's been using his email of late is for GKOL, though. So, PM/K-Mail prefered.