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All About Him

Dician has been called many things. "Geek," "That Guy," "A scholar and a gentleman," and now, "DJ." He's an 18-year-old student from New York, he likes long walks on the beach, pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain. He has been playing KoL for roughly a year an a half now, and has been a /games regular for more than a year of that. When he's not in class or online, he likes to read, watch Futurama, write a variety of short stories that will probably never be finished, and sing in various choirs/the car/the shower/on the way to class.
"A Toss of the Dician"

Dician hosts "A Toss of the Dician" on GKOL. His playlist can go from Broadway showtunes to classic rock to geek rock to Disney to adult contemporary to... you get the point. From time to time, he may burst out into song, but this should pass quickly.
Requests and Donations
If you'd like to request a song, send a kmail to Dician (#992702) with the Title and Artist of the song you want played. If he has it, he'll play it as soon as possible. If he doesn't have it and can't find it, he'll reply asking you to email the song as an attachment to
If you would like to donate, please send a kmail to Dician (#992702) and put the words "GKOL Donation" somewhere in the body; otherwise, he'll probably think it was a prize from some game or another! And, if you're so inclined, Dician also collects wads of dough.