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All About Her

Firebaby's Avatar

FireBaby is the hostess with the mostess. On the air waves or not you can probably find her in /games doing what she does best, HOSTING GAMES! Over five years in the kingdom has brought her so much joy and many lifelong friends. Firebaby has come to love all of the /gamers and she hopes to get to know each and every one of you as you dominate the radio together on her show "The FireStorm".

"The FireStorm"

Firebaby's Avatar

On The FireStorm you can expect to hear just about anything and everything from the 80's up to today's hits. This includes pop, country, hip hop, rap, classical, oldies, comedy, parody, rock and so much more. One thing you can be sure not to hear on Firebaby's show is any screamO, heavy metal, or any other genre in which she can’t even understand the lyrics. Maybe if you're really awesome and you get on your knees and beg she will play some of that crap for you by request.

Requests and Donations

Firebaby's Avatar

Requests! Firebaby will take requests via PM and Kmail in the kingdom to FireBaby (#1456401) as well as her personal email at This is her main email for a lot of things so please be sure to enter a subject line like "KoL song request" or something like that if you want to be sure your request will be seen.

Donations! Donations are a great thing and Firebaby will accept them gladly. Send any donations of any kind, be it meat, items, advice, or whatever, to FireBaby (#1456401). You can also donate by purchasing a strawberry pie in her mall shop.