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Princess Ro Mar

All About Her

Princess Ro Mar

Princess Ro Mar is a DJ on GKOL. Yes, what you have been waiting for has finally happened! The one and only Princess Ro Mar (or PRM for you acronym lovers) has finally hit the GKOL airwaves (hey, she loves acronyms as much as the next person)! Princess Ro Mar hails from the itty bitty town of Harper Woods where she grew up trying to keep her biznaz quiet and chill with her friends in the one mile square radius town. She also never really had a future as a gangster. Currently PRM is insanely close to completing her Master's degree in Communications; her only issue seems to be actually deciding what she wants to present to the highly intelligent panel of faculty to showcase what she's learned over her years hop-scotching through higher education.

"Bittenly Delicious"

Princess Ro Mar

Princess Ro Mar hosts "Bittenly Delicious" on GKOL. Princess Ro Mar will spend her time on GKOL playing all the best tunes she can queue up, and having special broadcasts along the way! It'll be so rad! Yes, rad. Be sure to take some ample time out of your adventure burning to get pumped up! Although PRM loves the Spice Girls (particularly Baby Spice) she promises to not play Wannabe on repeat very often. No, really, she loves requests, and will even do special shows simply devoted to requests from gamers! So please feel free to send in that song you've been playing on repeat for the last two weeks!

Requests and Donations

Princess Ro Mar

Donations are NEVER necessary, always greatly appreciated. If listeners would like to send song files directly to PRM they can send them to