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All About Her
StLGirl is a DJ and the go-to for technical help here at GKOL. She is a 22-year old recent college graduate. Errr, make that college escapee. In any case, she is from Kansas City (go Royals / Chiefs / Jayhawks!) and she went to school in St. Louis (go Cards / Rams / Blues!) and is staying there for her full-time job. You know what a job is... it's part of real life, remember? StLGirl is a certified computer geek (or is it nerd)? She lives near a mall, but it is the Best Buy in the shopping plaza that is a problem.
"Tunes of Loathing with StLGirl"
StLGirl hosts "Tunes of Loathing with StLGirl" on GKOL. She listens to pretty much anything. Don't expect much rap - there are a few good rap songs, but it's just not her cup of tea. Other than that, anything goes. Feel free to tell her about artists she hasn't heard of yet! Her show will also feature rounds of Name That Tune. How well do you know these songs you so dearly love?? Other forms of games including trivia and 20 questions will also be played.
Requests and Donations
frenchie13 (#1236119) will accept all donations. It'd be rude to deny them, right? Everything sent to this multi will be used solely for GKOL contests.
Want to know what songs StLGirl has? Want to request a song? Check out her playlist. No seriously, check it out. From here, you can see what's been played recently and even request your own song! Computer automation geekiness rocks! If there's a song you want to hear that she doesn't have, stlgirl.kol @ gmail(dot)com would love to receive your file as an mp3 attachment.