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All About Him


Tacologic is a relative newb in the GKOL universe. Tacologic hails from Chicago by way of Brooklyn. Tacologic generally doesn't refer to himself in the third person very often, except when filling out his DJ bio.

"Coup d'Taco"

Merric and Tacologic

Tacologic hosts "Coup d'Taco" on GKOL. Each set of music is perfectly calibrated at Coup d'Taco recording studio to give the listener the highest possible level of enjoyment derived from the music, narration and games. This being said, requests will be taken from time to time, but always in a respectful manner. Despite enjoying the top 10% of each genre, some are more likely to get played than others. Likes: mashups, indie rock, hip hop, techno, and polka. Dislikes: wank rock, goth, metal, butt rock.


Please send all donations to CoupDtaco (#1394519). Listeners will be notified when requests will be taken. When this happens, please email the song in MP3 format. Brief descriptions of what the song is and why you'd like it played will make your request more likely to be played.