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The Trainwreck

All About Them


WWhen this show is scheduled, GKOL is like a box of chocolates. You never know what's going to happen or what other DJ is going to stop by! Only way to find out what is going to happen is to tune in!

This show is currently scheduled on the last Thursday of each month in place of jtn2002's show. We figure 4 hours of this radio earache a month is enough without burning it out as in the past it's been 14 hours per week.

Three Trains

Most trainwrecks are DJ only, which is the original style created by Perkysaurus and JTN2002; just some DJ's hopping on air and talking about whatever the listeners want. Sometimes the DJ's are nice and trusting enough to let a guest on board; where citizens of the kingdom may be invited to chat on air with the DJ team. Thirdly is the musical wreck, where DJs throw on their favorite tunes and do whatever they want to pass the time if no topic of discussion comes to mind.


Donations for this show can be sent to GKOL Trainwreck (#2084449), where they'll be used on an upcoming shows. Contests are sporadic and how they are handled often depends upon which DJ is conducting the show.